Pruritus (itching) is the most common symptom in dermatology and very common in other medical specialties. The research group “PruSearch – Translational Pruritus Research” funded by the German Research Foundation unites several research institutes of the University of Münster as well as nationwide and aims at merging and evaluating complex and multidisciplinary data of this disease to derive successful therapies for the benefit of patients.

The Institute of Medical Informatics develops within this project a platform that addresses the challenges of interoperability, centralization and the minimization of redundant data. The goal is a central pseudonymized data management based on separate project spaces, which include multi-dimensional data such as clinical findings, patient questionnaires and functional tests.

For further information please visit the project’s website

Contact: Sarah Riepenhausen, MSc

Indicator of the current funding phase: DU 352/15-2
Indicator of the 1st funding phase: BR 5841/1-1