“Research. Together. Now.”
Become part of europe´s largest research infrastructure for medical forms.
Our corporate video shows, how it works:https://youtu.be/Isx9b77VBGo
The MDM-Portal (Medical Data-Models) is a meta-data repository for creating, analysing, sharing and reusing medical forms. Electronic forms for documentation of patient data are an integral part within the workflow of physicians. A huge amount of data is collected either through routine documentation forms (EHRs) for electronic health records or as case report forms (CRFs) for clinical trials. This raises major scientific challenges for health care, since different health information systems are not necessarily compatible with each other and thus information exchange of structured data is hampered.
Right now just a part of all medical forms are openly available. Based on this lack of transparency harmonization of data models in health care is extremely cumbersome, thus work and know-how of completed clinical trials and routine documentation in hospitals are hard to be re-used.
The MDM-Portal is a reknown German and European research infrastructure and plays an important part in solving this problem. It already contains more than 23.000 system-independent forms (CDISC ODM Format, www.cdisc.org, Operational Data Model).

For further information please visit the project’s website
Project number: DU 352/11-1/2