The ODMToolbox project is a framework for converters to and from the ODM format. Many of these converters can be used directly, especially in the Medical Data Model Portal (MDM Portal). For the conversion of larger amounts of data, a version that can be used locally via Docker is available in each case.


ODM-Summary (Online available)
A tool to compare different ODM-files.

CDEGenerator (Online available)
A tool to generate Common Data Elements based on multiple Input ODM forms and UMLS Coding.

ClinicalDataGenerator (Online available)
A tool to randomly generate ClinicalData based on an ODM’s MetaData.

ODM Clinical Data Analysis (Available for local deployment)
A tool to generate generic descriptive statistics from clinical data contained in ODM files.


Compass FHIR Questionnaire (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create FHIR Questionnaire for usage with the Compass Reference App Framework from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment.)

ODMToREDCap (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create REDCap study files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

ODMToMacro (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create MACRO files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

TextToODM (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create ODM files from the input of a textarea.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

ODMTranslate (Available for local deployment)
A translate converter to automatically translate all the Translated Texts.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

FHIR Questionnaire XML/JSON/RDF (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create FHIR Questionnaire XML, JSON and RDF files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

ODK (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create ODK Excel files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

ResearchKit JSON / Swift and Researchstack (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create ResearchKit JSON/Swift ans Researchstack files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

OpenClinica (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create OpenClinica Excel files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

ADL (XML) (Available for local deployment)
A converter to create openEHR Foundation’s Archetype Definition Language (XML implementation) files from ODM.
(Source-Code and instructions for local deployment)

Imprint / Impressum